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National Center on Elder Abuse

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Research Publications

Two young children being read to by an older woman

Research Briefs

Three friends reading together outside

Research Compilations

Woman reading a book on a couch

Research Translations

The NCEA publishes research "translations" for professionals, policymakers, and the public. These translations synthesize pertinent information and findings from recent and relevant research studies.

Primary Care-Based Interventions Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older People: A Scoping Review (PDF | 296 KB)

Adverse Health Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Against Older Women (PDF | 341 KB)

A Systematic Review: Risk and Protective Factors of Elder Abuse for Community-Dwelling Racial Minorities (PDF | 403 KB)

Medical and Social Factors Associated with Referral for Elder Abuse Services in a National Health Care System (PDF | 266 KB)

Cumulative Contexts of Vulnerability to Intimate Partner Violence Among Women With Disabilities, Elderly Women, and Immigrant Women (PDF | 275 KB)

Perceived Social Support and Help-Seeking Among U.S. Chinese Older Adults Who Reported Elder Mistreatment (PDF | 278 KB)

Comparing CMS Standard Surveys and Complaint Investigations (PDF | 272 KB)

Addressing the Psychological Impact of Elder Mistreatment Through a Community-Based Training and Treatment Intervention (PDF | 293 KB)

Is There a Relationship Between Elder Abuse and the Opioid Epidemic? (PDF | 246 KB)

Which Chronic Diseases in Older Adults Increase the Risk of Elder Mistreatment and Why? (PDF | 221 KB)

Identifying Patterns of Health Care Utilization Among Physical Elder Abuse Victims Using Medicare Data (PDF | 215 KB)

What are the Characteristics in Older Adults that Increase the Likelihood that Their Fractures are Related to Abuse? (PDF | 230 KB)

Bruising in Older Adults: Accidental Bruising and Bruising from Physical Abuse (PDF | 337 KB)

Last Modified: 07/31/2024