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National Center on Elder Abuse 

Home / About Us

About Us

Mission Statement

To improve the national response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation by gathering, housing, disseminating, and stimulating innovative, validated methods of practice, education, research, and policy.

Who we are

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) is a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder maltreatment. The NCEA was first established by the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) in 1988 as a demonstration project on abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Given permanent status in the 1992 amendments to Title II of the Older Americans Act, the NCEA provides professionals, policymakers, and the public information and resources on elder abuse prevention and response to help ensure that older adults age with dignity and respect, free from maltreatment. The NCEA is a managed by the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (90-AB-0002).

What we do

Our objectives are to: (1) increase the identification and reporting of elder abuse by providing guidance for programs that serve older adults; (2) improve the ability of those in the aging network to detect, intervene, and prevent abuse by providing practical tools, information, referral, and technical assistance; and (3) stimulate sustainable and innovative systems-change by fostering the development of programs, models, and initiatives which will ultimately decrease the incidence of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.


Last Modified: 02/05/2024